LIGHTBOX and MY ACCOUNT (on top bar from any page) are accessible after you have created your account and you are logged in. LIGHTBOX is where your image selections are stored. Only you and I can access your LIGHTBOX. MY ACCOUNT is where you can access additional pieces which are unavailable to users without an account. These tools are time savers and are also a great way to communicate with me, for instance when you require additional pieces or alterations. 

How to Register & Login


See: Have an account? Click Log in

If you already have an account, you can proceed from there using the email address you originally registered with. Then proceed to either LIGHTBOX or MY ACCOUNT (see below).


If not, you will need to add your name, and a password. 

Click button "Create My Account"

Then check your email to find an "Activation Link".

Click the link after: "To activate your account, please visit:  "

This will take you back to the website where you will need to sign in using your email & password. 

Then Proceed to LIGHTBOX or MY ACCOUNT


The best way to manage your selections is to create a LIGHTBOX where you can collect images.

Here's how:

Set up / Login to your account.

Click √ under the image. It will make a copy in your lightbox. 

You can save a different lightbox for each job & title them however you choose.

Your lightbox will be there whenever you are ready to move forward on your project.

I can access and see your lightbox. 

LIGHTBOX only works correctly if you are logged into your account.


Once you are logged in, and I have authorized your email you signed up with, you can access hundreds of additional options under MY ACCOUNT. Look there for links titled OVERFLOW. (example, "Bamboo Overflow, Desert Overflow" etc.)

Please contact me with special requests.

Phone Support

I am happy to assist you with any questions you may have about my website. 


I respect your privacy and will never share any of your information.



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